So sánh sản phẩm

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    Mô tả sản phẩm

    Là hệ thống chữa cháy khí FM200 (HFC227ea) dạng đóng thùng, đầy đủ phụ kiện như: Bình khí, Van điện từ, Ống cao áp, Ống kích hoạt, Công tắc áp lực, Bảng điều khiển xả khí, Van 1 chiều, Đầu phun xả khí.......


    • Simple installation and construction.
    • Does not require separate storage.
    • Does not require installation of separate pipes; possible quick installation.
    • Possible safe fire extinguishing even at night or in an unmanned machine room.

    Operating Principles

    • A type of total flooding system.
    • Same operating principles as a general fire-extinguishing facility.
    • Mainly used solenoid valves.

    Installation Sites

    • In areas that need conductivity, free electric fire-extinguishing chemicals or objects at risk of secondary damages from remains of fire extinguishing process.
    • Areas in which one cannot keep a separate storage.
    • Areas in need of a small container.
    • Areas that do not need separate piping.
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